Why I decided to start a podcast!

I wanted to start a podcast first because I like to talk. Plain and simple! I talk to share information that may be of value to others. I like to spread knowledge and information that may help make life easier for others. Bottom line, I talk for the purpose of making a positive difference in the lives of others. 

For years, I have been ambivalent about putting my thoughts and views out in the public sphere for fear of what others might say. I was concerned about whether people would listen. Thankfully, I am no longer shackled to those mind chains. I now know that talking is part of my purpose, which I must fulfill regardless of others. More importantly, the expression of my reality shall bring healing and prosperity to myself and the many who will listen.

About the podcast

R.E.A.L with Renée 

Reality Expressed Authentically and Lovingly – is about life, from the perspective of an African American woman. Here we will discuss a range of topics from business, character &ethics, community, economics, education, family&friendship, health, gender, government, inequalities, politics and social progress, race &racism, sex&sexism to name a few.

The purpose is to encourage the exchange of information and ideas that will lead to a positive growth and development in people that results in  a unified transformation of our cultural values that makes the world a better place for everyone.